Infertility Is Not The End: A Comprehensive Guide On Infertility By Sapling IVF
The challenges & emotions surrounding infertility can be different and overwhelming for each patient. If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, you may be tempted to believe that there is nothing more than human error at work. But don’t make that mistake! There are plenty of things that you need to think about when it comes to fertility issues.
This article gives you all the information you need to know about infertility so that it doesn’t interfere with your life’s plans.
What Is Infertility?
Infertility happens when a couple is not able to carry out pregnancy after 6 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It can be caused due to an issue with you or your partner. With appropriate diagnosis and adequate infertility treatments at the right time, the fertility issue can be treated and couples can enjoy joyful parenthood. Fortunately, the technology is advanced to an extent that couples no longer have to live childless lives anymore.
Infertility in Males and Why It Happens?
One of the most common questions that men and women ask when it comes to infertility is “why does this happen?”. Compared to female infertility, male infertility is not widely talked about, but there are many reasons for male fertility. Major causes of male infertility include:
Sperm abnormalities due to health issues like diabetes, genetic defects, chlamydia, HIV, etc.
Sperm delivery issues such as premature ejaculation, cystic fibrosis, testicle blockage, etc.
Overexposure to chemicals, radiation, smoking, alcohol, anabolic steroids, etc.
Damage from cancer or its treatment including chemotherapy and radiation.
Infertility In Females and Why It Happens?
The cause of infertility in females can be complex and not always clear. Females typically experience infertility around the time of menopause, although it is not a direct cause of that change. Many women also experience infertility after various surgeries such as hysterectomy or breast reduction surgery. Major causes of female infertility include:
Ovulation disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome, hormonal disorders, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, tumours, etc.
Cervical or uterine abnormalities like polyps in uterus or cervix, uterine wall tumour, uterine fibroids, blocked fallopian tube, etc.
Growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus wall causes endometriosis affecting the functions of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
Early menopause makes the ovary function improperly, it is also called primary ovarian insufficiency.
Pelvic adhesions are caused due to appendicitis, pelvic surgery, or pelvic infection.
Cancer and its treatment may impair the reproductive system due to all the radiation and chemotherapy.
Why Infertility Has Become A Growing Health Issue Among Couples?
Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. In recent years, infertility has been increasing across all fertility-related demographics, old age being a primary cause.
The prevalence of infertility in India ranges from 3.9% to 16.8% that varies in different regions. – World Health Organisation
Infertility is a growing reproductive health issue that the world has been suffering from. One in six couples across the globe is experiencing infertility. Despite the technology and effective infertility treatments that’s a shocking fact to register.
What can be the reason behind the staggering rate of infertility?
1. Delayed Family planning
Couples living an urban lifestyle and chasing after their professional summits often keep family planning in the back seat. But growing age decreases the chances of pregnancy both in males and females. By the age of 43 probability of a woman conceiving become 5% which decreases to 1% as she reaches the age of 45.
2. Environmental Causes
There are plenty of environmental factors around us that may be adding to the reasons for causing infertility. The increased use of plastic, extensive screen time, overexposure to the sun are some of the few reasons that are found to cause infertility in the longer run.
3. Lifestyle Factors
Along with environmental changes, there are plenty of lifestyle factors that are reducing the chances of couples being pregnant. Whether it is eating habits or addictions, couples are paying heftily for their lifestyle. Junk food, excessive smoking, poor nutrition, imbalanced BMI are some of the major reasons behind infertility caused by lifestyle shifts. However, these factors are under human control and couples can easily keep a check on them.
What infertility tests are available?
There are many tests for infertility; one of the more common tests is semen analysis. This looks for problems in sperm such as those that cause genetic diseases or male factor infertility. Other tests may look at a person’s hormones, sperm count, and gonadotropin levels. The most common test is the analysis of a woman’s blood in order to examine her hormonal levels and check for anovulation or the absence of ovulation. The ultrasound test, which women undergo once every three months, can detect if there are any abnormalities in a woman’s reproductive system including cysts, blockages, and fibroids.
What infertility treatments are available?
There are many infertility treatments available that vary depending on the severity of the condition and what other options have been exhausted. The first step in treating infertility is to determine if there is a medical cause for the problem. If so, treatment will begin with non-medical solutions like lifestyle changes, medications, or herbal remedies.
In Vitro Fertilization:
IVF is the most effective infertility treatment. For some people, this may be the best chance of having a baby. It works by removing eggs from the woman’s ovary, fertilizing them in a lab, and implanting them into her uterus.
Success rate of IVF:
50% – 60%. The success rate of IVF depends on many factors, including the age of the woman, quality of her eggs and sperm, and other medical issues.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection:
ICSI is a procedure done in vitro to help couples who have few or poor quality sperm and no known problem with the man’s sperm. ICSI works by inserting a single sperm directly into an egg in the lab. The egg and sperm then begin the process of fertilization, which usually results in a pregnancy.
ICSI success rate:
50% – 60%. ICSI is considered more successful than IVF because it can be done in a lab setting, and you do not need to “naturally fertilize an egg” by sperm from your partner.
Intrauterine Insemination:
IUI is an infertility treatment of artificial insemination where sperms are placed in the uterus when the ovary starts releasing eggs. Sperms taken for IUI are washed and concentrated to increase their efficacy. Couples have to have patience while taking this treatment.
Success rate of IUI:
11-15% It may take several attempts to make IUI successful.
Surrogacy is the process of making a baby by placing an egg into the uterus of another woman. This is done in a number of ways, but usually involves a doctor removing the egg from the donor, fertilizing it with sperm and placing it into the uterus of a woman who then gestates the baby and gives birth.
Success rate of surrogacy:
Surrogacy is successful in some cases. The early success rate depends on many factors, including the type of egg donor and the age of the intended mother.
Avail Free Consultation At Sapling IVF
If you are suffering from fertility issues and are not able to find an efficient infertility treatment that will work best for your condition, then connect with Sapling IVF. We are offering FREE consultation at Sapling IVF where infertility specialists will listen to your concerns and provide you with the right guidance to approach your fertility problems.